Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)

Road Map

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- Estimated achievement difficulty:3/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline:33 [1000Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (1)]
- Approximate amount of time to 1000Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (2):60-80 Hours [Estimated Time to 100%]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed:1
- Missable achievements:No
- Does difficulty affect achievements:N/A
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements:No


This game is a brand-new entry in the OCTOPATH TRAVELER series, the first installment of which was initially released in 2018 and sold over 3 million copies worldwide. It takes the series’ HD-2D graphics, a fusion of retro pixel art and 3DCG, to even greater heights. In the world of Solistia, eight new travelers venture forth into an exciting new era. Where will you go? What will you do? Whose tale will you bring to life? Every path is yours to take. Embark on an adventure all your own.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:

The sequel to the hit JRPG Octopath Traveler is here, and the achievements are pretty much a breeze in comparison to the first game. There are NO missable achievements, so feel free to play through the story at your leisure. There were a lot of long and grindy achievements in the first game which are not present here (don't need to worry about uncovering enemy weakness, getting all hidden items, or collecting all treasure chests). There are still a few collectibles to pay attention to (records and battle-tested equipment), and you'll need to complete all side-quests, but again nothing is missable so you can do a bit of this during the story and just mop up the rest at the end.

I'd suggest following along with the Neoseeker walkthrough HERE as you play, which will point out all of the above required extras. It also points out literally every chests and anything else that could be considered "missable" in the game, but again nothing in the game that can be missed is required for an achievement, so don't stress too much about any of it.

The starting character you choose does not matter, but make sure you play through Chapter 1 of every new character you recruit since it is required for their respective completion achievements and you'll need to visit those locations for another achievement as well. It will also help keep all your characters evenly leveled and fill in the story properly. Do take note that Osvald is a unique character in that he launches directly into his Chapter 2 story after completing Chapter 1, while every other character will need to travel to a different town to continue their stories. If for any reason you skip a Chapter 1 story or decide to ignore any future chapter story when first arriving in a town, they can all be started later from the respective town's Tavern.

Regardless of how what order you choose to tackle the story, work on collecting all eight travelers first, then the game can be played in a more linear fashion, though you'll need to swap out party members to take part in their stories. Once you complete the game, mop up any side-quests or collectibles you have left to finish up the rest of the achievements before tackling the game's superboss to get the full completion!


I truly hope the Octopath series continues, as these first two games were absolutely gorgeous, have some of the best and most unique story-telling I've seen, and the battle system is so enjoyable. With this entry, they've lowered the overall difficulty of the game and the achievement list as well, making this game much more stress-free and fun, at least in my opinion.

[XBA would like to thank The Pants Partyfor this Roadmap]

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There are 33 achievements with a total of 1000 points

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (4)

    A Story All Your Own


    Unlocked all achievements.

    Congrats on your Platinum Trophy!

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (5)

    First Break


    Broke an enemy for the first time in battle.

    This system will be very familiar if you played the first game, but if you didn't for some reason, you'll get tutorials during the first battle. Hit the enemy with various attacks until you find their "weakness" and then hit them with applicable weakness until all their shield points disappear to "break" them and remove their high defense, allowing you to more quickly dispatch them.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (6)

    Max Boost


    Acted at maximum boost for the first time.

    You will notice during battle that each turn you get another pip next to your character portrait, which indicates your Battle Points (BP) that you can store up and use to increase the potency of an attack. Once you have three pips, pressOctopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (7)three times on your next turn to charge an attack to maximum (4x) and then unleash it to get this achievement.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (8)

    A New Skill


    Learned a skill for the first time.

    After every battle you will earn Job Points (JP) which are used to learn new skills for whatever job you currently have. Once you have enough JP, go into the skills menu withOctopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (9) and choose to see which skills can be learned. Purchase one to get this achievement.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (10)

    The Journey Begins


    Embarked on a journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (11)

    Setting Sail


    Rode the ferry to a new land.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (12)

    Eight Travelers


    Gathered all eight travelers.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (13)

    An Answer, a Journey


    Completed Osvald's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (14)

    Eir's Apothecaries


    Completed Castti's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (15)

    The Collar Removed


    Completed Throné's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (16)

    Protector of the Island


    Completed Ochette's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (17)

    The Road to Prosperity


    Completed Partitio's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (18)

    Agnea the Star


    Completed Agnea's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (19)

    The Truth Lies in the Flame


    Completed Temenos's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (20)

    Clear Skies


    Completed Hikari's story.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (21)

    Master of Your Craft


    Learned a job's divine skill.

    A "Divine Skill" is simply the last skill in a job's tree. For instance, getting Brand's Blade for Hikari (or anyone with the Warrior job class) will unlock this achievement. The final skill costs 5000 JP, with an entire tree being around 10k total.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (22)

    Octopath Traveler


    Approached the end of your journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (23)

    EX Skill Master


    Learned all EX skills.

    Each character has two EX skills to learn, which are awarded by 1) completing their story and 2) by interacting with their EX alter. Obviously the first one is self-explanatory, and you can use the video below to find all the EX alters. Make sure the proper character is in your party when visiting the altar to learn the skill, as only the primary job class holder will learn the EX skills.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (24)

    Job Master


    Learned all secondary jobs.

    There are 12 jobs that you can get "licenses" for in the game. One unique thing they added to this game was the ability to get second and third licenses for jobs so you could equip the same job to multiple characters, but that isn't required for any achievement, just getting the initial license. Most of these are given just by finding the guild that teaches the job, while some have minor extra requirements. All of the locations and requirements are outlined in the video below.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (25)

    Master of Solistia


    Traveled to every location on the map.

    This achievementshouldcome naturally as you complete the game and all the side-quests. I can't think of a specific area that wasn't visited along the way to completing the other achievements. With that said, I think the best resource I found was in the Steam Guide HERE, which has screenshots of each region and all the various areas that need to be explored for the achievement. The video below has all of the areas pointed out as well, but some of them have specific requirements to reach which are pointed out in the written Steam guide that you'll want to reference.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (26)

    Hard Hitter


    Dealt 9,999 or more damage.

    This will come naturally as you work on the other achievements. If you're not doing this much during the superboss fight, you'll never succeed. See Gate to the Netherworld (100G)for the setup you'll need to be strong enough for that fight and earn this achievement along the way if you had not already.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (27)

    Worth the Detour


    Finished all side stories.

    The Neoseeker guide has all of the side-quests pointed out during the main walkthrough, though a large portion of them will not be able to be completed when you first find them. Take a peek at their pages when you come to them, but if they require a character you haven't recruited yet, or require a trip to a high-level dungeon just move on with the story. I would suggest prioritizing quests that give XP-boosting accessories, or accessories that increase the spawn rate of rare monsters (Octopuff Pot and Cait Powder). After you complete the story, you can run through the list of side-quests by region starting HERE.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (28)

    Battle-Tested Gear


    Obtained all battle-tested equipment.

    The battle-tested equipment can all be found late in the game, some requiring you to finish Chapter 5 sections so may as well just finish the story first. From there, use the guide HERE to find each piece. You can also get extra copies of these if you want to by challenging certain NPCs, but that isn't required for anything so I wouldn't bother.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (29)

    Informed Adventurer


    Gleaned information from 100 townspeople.

    This achievement requires that you use a path action that gives you information (Castti's Inquire is free, I prefer using her for this), and regardless of if you actually get anything in the "Information Gleaned" section at the bottom of the screen, every attempt of this will count toward the achievment. If it says "None" in the bottom box, it doesn't matter. Use this skill on 100 total people to get the achievement.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (30)

    By the Light of the Heart


    Completed Agnea and Hikari's Crossed Path.

    Crossed Paths are new optional story segments that appear on the map once you have completed a pair of character Chapter 2 story quests. Simply travel to the appropriate marked town to begin the quest and complete it, or start it from the Tavern later. The Neoseeker guide has links to all of the crossed path quests if you need help to complete them for any reason.

    Note: While the Crossed Paths are optional to complete the game's story, all four have individual achievements and are all required to unlock the game's superboss for Gate to the Netherworld (100G).

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (31)

    The Detective and His Assistant


    Completed Temenos and Throné's Crossed Path.

    See By the Light of the Heart (30G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (32)

    A Peaceful Little Forest


    Completed Castti and Ochette's Crossed Path.

    See By the Light of the Heart (30G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (33)

    Mysteries of the Night Sky


    Completed Osvald and Partitio's Crossed Path.

    See By the Light of the Heart (30G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (34)

    Dawn Breaks


    Returned dawn to the world.

    Once you complete the story with all eight characters, and also complete all four crossed paths questlines, you'll see a new prompt on the map labeled "Extra Stories" which is south of Cropdale. You should head there now to complete the game's Epilogue. You can follow the walkthrough section in Neoseeker's guide HERE if you need any help.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (35)

    Gate to the Netherworld


    Defeated the netherworldly threat.

    This achievement is for defeating Galdera, the superboss of this game. To initiate this fight, you first have to complete the story, including all crossed path story segments, and a few specific side-quests. This should be the last thing you do in the game anyway. From here, I'd rather point to some resources that have already laid out this fight in detail rather than regurgitate it in a slightly new way. The video down below shows a "cheese" method that would be your best option. You could win the fight with characters in their 40's or 50's following that video, as well as the guides HERE and HERE.

    For an even easier time, feel free to over-level and get all your characters in their 70's and 80's using the methods HERE. I used the dancer method to get everyone to the 40's, then completed Partitio's Chapter 4 so I could hire Alrond and use that method instead. With 1-2 100x XP drops after killing a Cait enemy, you'll shoot up in no time.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (36)

    Record Collector


    Obtained all records.

    There are 30 total records to collect for this achievement. These are songs for the Gramaphone, which allow you to change the game's music in taverns. You'll first need to complete the Scent of Commerce: Winterbloom Route optional side-quest, which you can find HERE. Once you complete the quest and get the Gramaphone, you can begin collecting the rest. You can follow a written guide HERE, or follow the video below.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (37)

    Octopath Traveler...?


    Brought along four townspeople at once.

    This achievement can be accomplished by having a party of Partito (Hire), Ochette (Befriend), Temenos (Guide), and Agnea (Allure) and then using their path abilities to bring four followers with you.

  • Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (38)

    100 Out Cold


    Soothed or knocked 100 townspeople unconscious.

    Use Temenos at night, go town to town, and knock people out. As long as you're a high enough level it will work, so once you're leveled and ready for the superboss, this will only take a few minutes to "knock out."

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Octopath Traveler II Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)


Does it matter who you pick first in Octopath Traveler 2? ›

No matter who you choose to start with in Octopath Traveler 2, you'll be eased into the way that character plays in their first chapter.

How long to platinum Octopath Traveler 2? ›

Every path is yours to take. How long is Octopath Traveler II? When focusing on the main objectives, Octopath Traveler II is about 60 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 92½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the highest damage skill in Octopath Traveler 2? ›

With the Merciless Blade ability, you unleash a sword attack that deals 3,000 damage to a single foe, regardless of their Shield points. It is possible at your Max Boost that you can deal 9,999 damage, regardless of Shield points. The Merciless Blade skill can be obtained by challenging the Young Man in Tropu'hopu.

What is the easiest character in Octopath Traveler 2? ›

Of the characters in Octopath Traveler 2, here's how they rank in terms of playability as one's starting character.
  • 8 Partitio, The Merchant. ...
  • 7 Agnea, The Dancer. ...
  • 6 Osvald, The Scholar. ...
  • 5 Temenos, The Cleric. ...
  • 4 Ochette, The Hunter. ...
  • 3 Castti, The Apothecary. ...
  • 2 Hikari, The Warrior. ...
  • 1 Throné, The Thief.
Mar 1, 2023

Does Octopath 2 have secret jobs? ›

There are 8 classes or Jobs in Octopath Traveler 2…or so you know. Just like in the previous game, there are four additional Jobs that you can find in the farthest reaches of the world called Secret Jobs.

What is the best start in Octopath Traveller 2? ›

Best story to start with in Octopath 2

If you want a story that starts with a strong hook and remains interesting throughout, your best options are Partitio, Throné, Ochette, or Temenos.

Is Octopath Traveler 2 as grindy? ›

Octopath Traveler 2 does handle leveling and grinding better than the first game; it was only once I got to the post-game that I started to feel like I needed to grind for levels.

What is the fastest way to grind XP in Octopath 2? ›

The best thing to do to farm EXP is to just fight enemies in the highest level place you have access to and can handle. You can swap in lower leveled characters into your party while one or two of your high-leveled characters carry the weight.

Did Octopath Traveler 2 sell well? ›

Octopath Traveler II has now sold over 1 million units. Developer Acquire revealed the news on Twitter, saying the figures covered physical and digital releases for the game.

Can you do more than 9999 damage in Octopath Traveler 2? ›

Anyone can do more than 9999 damage if they have Deal More Damage skill equipped. Hikari's best dmg skill is his second EX skill which you get for clearing his story. He can do more damage but it requires proper set ups.

What is the strongest move in Octopath 2? ›

Limb from limb learned skill is the strongest attack in the game when you have high enough attack power (800+) and can hit damage cap with each attack. Before that it's between his second ex skill and the axe skill from armsmaster.

What is a Dreadwolf weak to in Octopath 2? ›

Dreadwolf has 9 Shield Points and ~150,000 HP. Its initial weaknesses are Polearm, Axe, Bow, Fire, and Wind. It will also summon underlings, War Wolves, and their weaknesses are Sword, Dagger, Bow, and Fire with only 3 Shield Points.

Does order matter in Octopath 2? ›

A) Does it matter which order I do things? Not much. Whichever character you start with is fixed in your party until you complete their story, and has some unique dialogue in the final chapter. Beyond that, you're pretty free to do everything, in any order.

Who is the best support character in Octopath Traveler 2? ›

1 SP Saver (Conjurer, 630 JP)

In the case of Octopath Traveler 2 gameplay, the Conjurer as a support spellcaster is actually the most equipped in helping their fellow magic users become more efficient in combat. This is more apparent in their Support Skill, SP Saver.

Can you play Octopath 2 without playing Octopath 1? ›

Octopath Traveler 2 is a stand-alone game in the series, meaning you do not have to play the first game to experience the story of the second.

What is the best path in Octopath Traveler 2? ›

Hikari the Warrior's Path Action, Challenge, gives you tons of benefits, providing the best Path Action in Octopath Traveler 2. First, it allows you to knock down your chosen NPC. Second, the Challenge Path Action allows you to learn skills from said NPC.

Does it matter which character I start with in Octopath Traveler? ›

best starting character for a beginner? who would you recommend? I always favor Therion as the starter if you have no particular character you favor. Otherwise whoever you like the best, as you are stuck with them until you complete their story whereas you can swap out any others at will.

Does Octopath Traveler 2 have different endings? ›

Accepted Answer. Without giving away too much, each traveler's story has one main ending, finishing all eight storylines and the crossed paths segments unlocks an additional main story chapter which has the true final boss and the epilogue. That's nine endings, total.


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 5291

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.